Welcome Wildfire Prevention partners to the Smokey Bear Toolkit!
You can help us celebrate 80 years of Smokey this year with the great resources we have here. This toolkit has been developed for your benefit and is intended to support your efforts in promoting the wildfire prevention campaign. This toolkit includes a variety of resources for you to use in sharing the wildfire prevention message on social, as well as organizing, planning and promoting local events. Many assets are downloadable and print-ready for your easy use. Highlights include hand-outs for wildfire prevention events, children’s activities, social media content and best practices. For historical PSAs, please reference Smokey's History Timeline.
For any questions on the toolkit and its contents, please direct them to The Smokey Bear Team at the Ad Council (SmokeyBearTeam@adcouncil.org).
The Smokey Bear Team
Campaign Development
The Ad Council
Amanda Scott
National Wildfire Program Manager
USDA Forest Service
Sheridan Davis
Communications Director
National Association of State Foresters