Birthday Resources

This section contains print-ready materials to support your own activities and outreach efforts.

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80th Birthday Social Content

Celebrate Smokey's 80th birthday with us and raise awareness of wildfire prevention. This social media content is free and available for download.

To view and download all other available Smokey assets, including radio, print, and OOH, visit

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Smokey Bear Coloring Pages

These temporary and fun takes on Smokey’s image reflect a variety of cultures and genres to teach students that no matter our background, or differences, we all have the personal responsibility to prevent wildfires.

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80th Birthday Social Copy

To spread the word about Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday celebration on social media, we have provided suggested copy to use with any of the campaign assets available on our campaign toolkit or on 

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80th Birthday Logo

Download the 80th Birthday logo for use in your outreach materials.


Explainer Posters

Download and share these informative posters on social media!


Smokey Bear Costume Guidelines

Follow these costume guidelines to make sure Smokey Bear is properly attired at all events


Printable Campfire checklist (English)

Download and print this English-language visual guide on campfire safety intended for children grades 6 - 8. This two page list includes instructions for safely creating a campfire and step by step instructions for putting it out.


Printable Campfire checklist (Spanish)

Download and print this Spanish-language visual guide on campfire safety intended for children grades 6 - 8. This two page list includes instructions for safely creating a campfire and step by step instructions for putting it out.


National Symbols Cache

Explore Smokey Bear merchandise at the National Symbols Cache. All materials ordered from the Cache cannot be resold, but must be given away.

NASF Storefront

National Association of State Foresters Store

Order Smokey Bear merchandise at the below link. None of the Smokey Bear materials sold in the State Foresters Store are eligible for resale.